*Price refers to bulk purchase of 250gr. Price and availability might vary based on the product mix of the store.
It is a coffee that is prepared in a briquette and is not filtered. It has intense aromas and dense body. Its origins are from the Arabian Peninsula and is particularly popular in the Arab world and the Eastern Mediterranean. Its features are a very fine grinding (powder) and a thick and rich serving. As there is no specific name for the method, which has several variations, each country gives it its name (Greek, Cypriot, Arabic, Turkish). Internationally called ibrik or cezve which means briquette.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT THE COFFEE IS LIGHT ROAST? At this degree of roasting, the color of the coffee is light brown. This roasting is light to such an extent that it does not allow coffee to develop all its features. The internal temperature of light roasted grains reaches 180 °C - 205 °C.
RECIPE: For the preparation of Greek coffee we use 10 grams of ground coffee for every 75ml of water. More simply, we recommend using 1 tablespoon of ground coffee for each cup of water.
TIP: Water can spoil the taste of the beverage. That is why we use either filtered or bottled water for extraction. The sugar suggested for a medium Greek Coffee is 1kg and 2kg for sweet. In case you want to make double Greek, double the ingredients!