It is one of the most widely consumed beverages, an agricultural product derived from the tea plant Camellia Sinensis.
Each type of tea has its own unique taste characteristics, depending on the area it is grown, its fermentation and extraction method.
It contains theine and benefits the nervous system.
*Price and availability might vary based on the product mix of the store.
Chinese people drink tea for health and pleasure for thousands of years. No one knows exactly what attracted them to the shiny, green leaves of camelia sinensis, but a popular myth covers the gap in our knowledge. One day, the emperor Shen Nung was ready to drink boiled water when suddenly air blew and dropped some leaves in the pot from a tree hanging from above. Curious as he was, the Emperor decided to try this strange-looking mix. He discovered that this beverage was delicious and refreshing. An Indian myth attributes the discovery of tea to Buddhist monk Bodhidharma. She was tired as a seven-year period of insomnia came to an end. In his despair he chewed some leaves from a nearby tree, and immediately he felt renewed. India is now one of the largest tea producers in the world, but there is no historical record of tea consumption in India before the nineteenth century.
English Breakfast belongs to the category of black teas. It is a typical strong breakfast tea. Its color is a fermentation product. It has the highest content of all kinds of tea.
To prepare a cold English Breakfast tea, you will need 13g of tea per 1lt of water. Then place it in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.
To prepare a warm English Breakfast tea, you will need 7g of tea per 1lt of water. The water temperature should be between 90 and 100 ℃. The extraction time is 4-5 minutes.